Well, folks, things are getting hot here. A couple of minutes ago, I was using MSN when a friend of mine appeared online and I went to him to say "hi".
The answers were quite different of the ones that guy would give. The person was different, acted differently, his writing was different also. He asked me two questions: "where is she", the one I didn't answer, of course. And the other was something like: "How could be you, if you won't be anywhere else?"
The English translation of the sentence above was quite difficult, but the content of the phrase was exactly that, in the same terms, but in other language.
Well, they are trying to imperson my friends to try to con me. What a pity for them, because I know my friends very well and it is quite easy to contact them and discover that it were or weren't "they"...
They are closing the circle. And I'm getting tired of them. Thos pitiful cowards can't even find their own arses, they can't find what they are looking for and still lose their time trying to get the information from me! Pathetic band of fools. You won't get her, you won't get me. And who's King "M"?
New fact: the "King 'M'". Who could be? M... M... M... the only person with "M" I know is not "he", is "she". Well, I'll discover it sooner or later. Time is coming! Bye, folks!
Here I will explain details of the conspiracy in what we all are involved, because I'm kind of a victim of it and I'm trying to protect another victim of their nefarious plan. This is my diary of conspiracy. All you will read here is true, verified and checked by me. No Youtube video reference, no cliche "New World Order" in here. Just the facts I have, and the data I'm gathering, and what's happening in here day by day from now on, until I die or until we can finally put an end to this.
sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011
terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011
Since some days ago, I have been experiencing problems with my online accounts. My Orkut and Gmail passwords seems to expire or malfunction, and often I find out that it is impossible to access my accounts on Orkut, Gmail, blogs and other things. I lost all my old blogs, all my social networks (except for Facebook, that is safe by now and has a strong password). I lost my 5-year Hotmail account in February 1st and since then all my accounts seem to fade as soon as they are put to work. I changed all my passwords and I raised my firewalls to avoid other attacks, but probably they'll happen soon.
What they don't know is that I always come back. I have plenty of mail accounts, my contacts are backuped in many places, I protect my data and I have some data storage devices totally offline, to ensure the safety of the important ones agains those bastards. No one can silence me as long as I wish to talk. This is my game now, and I don't care about those idiots - yeah, they are idiots, with high IQ and low emotions, make mistakes due their high intelligence but their low tact. I count n their funtional stupidity to drible them until all of this be rightly ended...
By the way: anyone has ever seen the message "page not found" when logging into Orkut? A brand new Google Account, a brand new Orkut account and when I tried to log it in, I always got "page not found". They are getting close, but not close enough to shut me up.
More than a week after her last contact, I'm still waiting another sign of her. She simply phased out and I'm worried. I barely can sleep. I'm looking like a zombie, with my skin whitening day by day because I rarely go out, just gathering info and crossing data to ensure the things I'm publishing here, my eyes are injected and my will is weakening as time passes. Hope she's OK. In fact, I don't care if someone thinks she's important, this whole crap doesn't mean a thing to me. All I care is about her, about how she is and how she's doing her way in the hostile terrains she's having to fight her way in. Hope I can hear something from her soon.
I'll keep up writing here until they catch me or until this whole damn mess is fixed.
By the way, I don't call her "The Key" because I think she means is to me. I just refer to her as "the Key" to protect her identity. They know who she is or at least how she looks like, and the info I put here probably won't make things worse to her. If it would do so, I never would started this. As I said, I love her and I want her best. May God, if there is any, be looking at her and guiding her as long as I, by myself, can do nothing but watch. May time comes for all of this have an end. This nightmare mustn't be real but it is, so, I pray to wake up soon, or I will get really sick for all what is happening and all I fear that will soon do.
I chose to publish the article integrally, but you can find the exact copy of it in the original website where it was taken from. I did not write it or edited it in any way. It is property of the website that published it, whose URL comes right below:
May 26, 2006, 01:01 | Email this article Printer friendly page |
Under the guise of business as usual, consider the huge improprieties in the securities markets that went unnoticed before and immediately after 9/11/2001, contributing to the attacks’ awful success and America’s subsequent decline.
I’m talking about the insider trading behind the “put and call options” scandals that allowed certain individuals to pull in huge profits. Stated as simply as possible, put options were used on stocks that would be hurt by the attack, and call options were used on stocks that would benefit. In the put case you’re betting on a fall in the price of stocks; in the call case, you’re betting on a rise in the price of a stock.
Put options were made on the struck airlines, insurance companies and banks pre-and-through-9/11, as if someone had foreknowledge something bad was going to happen to bring down the price of the stocks. A 9-11 Research report on Insider Trading headlines the tale:“Pre-9/11 Put Options on Companies Hurt by Attack Indicates Foreknowledge.”
There were huge surges in the purchase of put options on stocks of the two airlines, specifically United and American, used and abused in the attack. In fact, American and United Airlines, each with two planes that disappeared that day, as early as September 6, were experiencing dramatic spikes in put options on days when their stock prices were stable.Bloomberg News reported put options on the airlines soared to an unbelievable high, 285 times their average.
What’s of interest is that in the time preceding 9/11 nobody noticed or bothered to connect dots in this buying/selling trend. It was “business as usual” while some group conducted a huge insider trading strike that ultimately ravaged the airlines financially, damaged America, killed 2,749 people, and proved very profitable to the perps, in the short and long run.
Who was at the controls watching? Or were those at the controls part of the problem?
When the market opened after the attacks, United Airlines stock fell a whopping 42 percent from $30.82 to $17.50 a share. American Airline’s stock fell from $20.70 to $18 per share. And millions were made by the scurrilous for personal profit or to finance the ops.
More than three days before the events that flattened the World Trade Center and damaged a sparsely occupied, recently fortified sector of the Pentagon, there was more than 25 times the previous average daily trading in a Morgan Stanley put option that made money when the giant financial institution shares fell below $45. Of course, Morgan Stanley had occupied 22 floors of the North Tower. Its stock dropped 13 percent when the market reopened. Nearby Merrill Lynch’s stock dropped ll.5 percent.
The Bank of America on the 81st floor of the North Tower, the third largest US bank, showed a five times increase in put option trading on the Thursday and Friday before the attack, more than 5,900 contracts that would pay when the stock fell below $60 a share.
What’s more, there were huge surges in purchase of put options on stocks of reinsurance companies slated to cough up billions to cover losses from the attack, i.e., Munich Re in Germany and the AXA Group in France. Do you really think it was those bozos with box cutters that worked this out, Osama in his cave? Or could it possibly be some sophisticated homegrown types, connected to our Company?
Some of the Winners
Perhaps it’s no surprise, but Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, watched its stock take off after the attacks. Purchases of call options contracts on Raytheon stock increased sixfold on September 10, 2001.
The Raytheon option contracts made money, if shares were more than $25 each. The price zoomed up nearly 37 percent to $34.04 during the first week after post 9/11 trading.
Parenthetically, Raytheon had also been hit with millions of dollars in fines for padding costs of equipment it sold to the US military. Raytheon also has a hush-hush subsidiary, E-Systems, whose clients include the CIA and NSA, the latter about to make a hostile takeover of the other.
And speaking of winners, include the five-year US Treasury Notes. They were bought in unusually high volume before the attack. The buyers realized sizable increases in the Notes’ value after the attack. But this is business as usual again. Some things go up and some go down—with a little help from happenstance and its perpetrators. Not surprisingly, this generated suspicion then an inquiry. What it all meant was something else.
The SEC Investigates
After the attacks, the SEC sent a list of the following securities firms around the world in search of information on them: American Airlines, United Airlines, Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, US Airways airlines, Martin, Boeing, Lockheed Martin Corp., AIG, American Express Corp, American International Group, AMR Corporation, AXA SA, Bank of America Corp, Bank of New York Corp, Bank One Corp, Cigna Group, CNA Financial, Carnival Corp, Chubb Group, John Hancock Financial Services, Hercules Inc., L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc., LTV Corporation, Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc., MetLife, Progressive Corp., General Motors, Raytheon, W.R. Grace, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd., Lone Star Technologies, American Express, the Citigroup Inc., Royal & Sun Alliance, Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc., Vornado Reality Trust, Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter & Co., XL Capital Ltd., and Bear Stearns.
This list came out of an SEC Secret Probe of companies used by a group of speculators who were Israeli citizens and who sold “short” these stocks, which could be expected to fall in value as an outcome of the impending attacks. The speculators operated out of Toronto, Canada, and Frankfurt, Germany, stock exchanges and their profits were stated to be “in the millions of dollars.”
An interesting quote from this article tells us, “It is widely known that the CIA uses the Promissoftware to routinely monitor stock trades as a possible warning sign of a terrorist attack or suspicious economic behavior. A week after the Sept.11 attacks, the London Times reported that the CIA had asked regulators for the Financial Services Authority in London to investigate the suspicious sales of millions of shares of stock just prior to the terrorist acts. It was hoped the business paper trail might lead to the terrorists.”
So, after the fact, this huge number of trades finally rang a bell at the CIA. Hmmm. And then . . .
Another interesting fact came from an October 19, 2001, San Francisco Chronicle article that the SEC, after a long silence, took the unprecedented action of deputizing hundreds of private officials in this investigation. Lest you think this posse of high-level private sector players would get the bad guys, think again.
As former LAPD Detective, author of Crossing the Rubicon, Michael Ruppert points out, “What happens when you deputize someone in a national security or criminal investigation is that you make it illegal for them to disclose publicly what they know. Smart move. In effect, they become government agents and are controlled by government regulations rather than their own conscience.
“In fact, they can be thrown in jail without a hearing if they talk publicly. I have seen this implied threat time and again with federal investigations, intelligence agents, and even members of the United States Congress who are bound so tightly by secrecy oaths and agreements that they are not even able to disclose criminal activities inside the government for fear of incarceration.”
In short, the posse was bound and gagged. Then, as Ruppert noted, the story was quietly buried in a 9/30/2001 New York Times article, claiming “benign explanations are turning up” in the SEC investigation.
The activity in put options was blamed on “market pessimism,” but it didn’t explain why the airlines stock prices didn’t mirror the same market pessimism. Also, the fact that above the millions made in these transactions, some $2.5 million of the put options were unclaimed after 9/11. Somebody got cold feet. Obviously the purchasers knew they were part of a criminal conspiracy and didn’t want to get caught red-handed picking up the profits at that point.
At the Here In Reality site, there is an article titled “Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly into the CIA’s Highest Ranks.” Equally important is its sub-headed “CIA Executive Director ‘Buzzy’ Krongard managed firm that handled ‘PUT’ options on United Airline Stock.” The piece is written again by Michael Ruppert.
In his own inimitable police report prose, he wrote, “Until 1997 A.B. ‘Buzzy’ Krongard had been Chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown. A.B. Brown was acquired by Banker’s Trust in 1997. Krongard then became, as part of the merger, Vice Chairman of Banker’s Trust-AB Brown, one of 20 major U.S. banks named by Senator Carl Levin this year as being connected to money laundering.
“Krongard’s last position at Banker’s Trust (BT) was to oversee ‘private client relations.’ In this capacity he had direct hands-on relations with some of the wealthiest people in the world in a kind of specialized banking operation that has been identified by the U.S. Senate and other investigators as being closely connected to the laundering of drug money.
“Krongard joined the CIA in 1998 as counsel to CIA Director George Tenet. He was promoted to CIA Executive Director by President Bush in March of this year [2001]. BT was acquired by Deutsche Bank in 1999. The combined firm is the single largest bank in Europe. And, as we shall see, Deutsche Bank played several key roles in events connected to the September 11 attacks.”
In fact, Deutsche Bank was heavily involved in the 9/11 “put options” transactions. The Deutsche bank building still stands today at the WTC site, heavily veiled behind a black metal screen, perhaps in shame, about to be torn down, and not by controlled demolition. That may remind too many people of Towers 1, 2, 6, and 7.
The CIA, the Brokers and Banks
This unholy “business as usual” nexus of Wall Street brokers, banks and the CIA, includes additional key players from government, as Ruppert points out:
John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles were designers of the CIA. Allen met with Nazi leaders as station chief in Berne, Switzerland, and tended to their investments. He was also CIA chief, fired by President John F.Kennedy for the “Bay of Pigs” fiasco. John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State under Eisenhower. Both Dulles brothers were lawyers in Wall Street’s most powerful law firm, Sullivan, Cromwell. Politics, the CIA and Wall Street, some trifecta.
Ronald Reagan’s CIA director, Bill Casey, an OSS vet, was chief weasel during the Iran-Contra years. Under Nixon, he was chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Profession: Wall Street lawyer, stockbroker.
The former Stock Exchange VP, David Doherty, was also a retired General counsel of the CIA.
George HW Bush, president from 1989 to 1993, CIA Director for 13 months from ’76-7, is now a highly paid consultant to the Carlyle Group, in which he shared joint investments with the bin Laden family. Carlyle is also one of the nation’s top defense contractors.
Buzzy Krongard, former executive director of the CIA, was formerly chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown, a former vice chairman of Banker’s Trust.
John Deutch, retired CIA director, was a Citigroup board member (said bank documented repeatedly for laundering drug money, buying in 2001 Mexican drug-money launderer, Banamax).
Nora Slatkin, retired CIA executive director was a Citibank board member.
The redoubtable Maurice “Hank” Greenburg, former CEO of AIG insurance, still manages from a distance one of the world’s largest capital investment pools, and was actually offered up as possible CIA director, and was exposed by Michael Ruppert as having longstanding connections to CIA drug trafficking and covert operations. Also, AIG stock managed to bounce back extremely well since the 9/11 attacks. And so on.
The rest is history, the century’s biggest story, with business as usual doing its thing, including insider trading, money laundering, even terrorist funding as a way of life and death. And 9/11 triggering the fall of America from democracy into a theocratic police state manipulated by money managers and multi-national corporate honchos.
Net Net
Having gotten away with mass murder, it was just a hop, skip and a jump for our present Bush Boyz to Afghanistan, Iraq, and next stop, Iran, and then what? Your guess is as good as mine, but probably not as good as Ruppert’s, who’s telling folks these days to buy gold as a hedge against the dying dollar and head for a secure place in the hinterlands.
I don’t know if that answers the question of survival for people living from paycheck to paycheck, on fixed incomes, in credit card debt, or struggling to hold on to their savings and/or portfolios. For the rest, the rich, the filthy rich and even richer, the “have-mores” as W fondly calls them, the point is moot. Bush and the Republicans will take care of them.
And if not George, could it be Jeb as once there was George Herbert Walker, who put his arm around Clinton, and so on. For those folks, there will be tax cuts abounding, an ever increasing upward mobility, perhaps into the Rapture with their cuckoo Conservative Christian allies.
For the rest of us, well, you get the picture. Monkey business as usual. It’s a killer. Perhaps something really unusual needs to happen to the usual and its monkeys to change it all. Somebody yell out, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore," like the visionary newsman Howard Beale in Paddy Chayefsky’s great 1976 screenplay Network. Link to the whole monologue. It’ll fire you up.
And who knows, you, yes you, out there in cyberspace, the next Tom Paine or Tom Jefferson, FDR, JFK, MLK, Mr. Anonymous, could be the spark of something new, to lead the justice brigade to knock on the doors of power and tell business as usual where to go.
Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer residing in New York. Reach him at gvmaz@verizon.net.
domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011
Well, I told you I wouldn't talk about cliche things like "N.W.O.", but it is clearly impossible to avoid this misty subject.
Well, the Illuminati don't plan to stabilish a global government, a totalitary rule over the world. Why?
Well, as I told you, some man called "The True" came to me, because he wanted me to tell him the current location of the Gate Key.
I refused to tell him, refused the money he offered me and told him I didn't care about their plans.
What he revealed to me was the following:
In 12/2012 a cataclysm will happen. But he told me as well that in the same date, their "King" (with capital letter) will "awake". All the survivors will live under the rule of this "King". This is the New World Order.
Who's that King? A man? A god? A symbol? There are no clues. I have a theory, but won't share it untill more evidences are available, because it was made by mere guessing and study of historical facts.
They need the Gate Key to carry on something. She was called "Queen" when she was in the research center in USA. Every Queen has her King and every King has his Queen. So, the Gate Key is probably relevant to the King's "awakening". The man 'The True" told me that they needed her because her DNA is "perfect" and they need it to achieve their goal: the eternal life. Something bizarre enough to make me laugh at him. Well, he said the Gate Key, together with her new found powers, has a lifespan of about 200 years, and he told me that it is almost impossible to kill her.
What I think is that the events in 12/21/2012 - the cataclysm and the King's "awakening" are somehow related. So, if we can stop one, we'll be able to stop another. Quite easy, isn't it? If they don't have the Gate Key, I guess they probably won't be able to "awake" the King and, consequently, no cataclysm will happen.
Maybe all of this "King"'s stuff and cataclysm are mere excuses to justify their longing for the possession of the Gate Key. Maybe it is just another lie, but the evidences I have about the virus are strong. So, we have the benefit of the doubt. It's better to fight agains a probably enemy than to be defeated by an unpredictable one.
We'll keep on fighting. They are smart, they are strong, but love wins any war. And I'll prove them that.
They have brain, but have no heart. I have both. I'm better than any of those lunatics, who are using our science to mess up this world. It is the final battle and I'm deeply involved in it. And I'm sure that we'll win, or I'll die trying.
Well, no one believes in all of this. People were educated to not believe a single word of the truth. Put the truth between a thousand lies and it'll become a lie itself.
I, by now, have just three or four friends with me, people I can trust entirely but the most important of them are gone. They say I'm crazy, that I lost my sanity, and there is nothing I can do to convince them of the contrary.
The History is full of evidences. Their influence in the worldwide affairs during the last 200 years is clearly visible since the Napoleon's time, when the Duke of Wellington did spread the information about the English defeat in the fields of Waterloo, in June 18th, 1815, about 20 hours before the official news of English victory arrived to London (thanks to a messenger he had in the field, who ran to his master to inform the outcome of the battle). With that strategic blow, he made the stocks drop and, with the collapsing of the prices of all stocks, he bought almost everything, because prices were as cheap as bananas and then, when the correct information arrived, stock prices skyrocketed again and the Duke was "promoted" to the status of the most powerful man in England. The Queen ruled over England. The Duke ruled over the Queen.
The same happened with the Crash in 1929, when a few "lucky" men (who could they be, huh?) made fortune while the majority of the world suffered with the worst economic crisis ever.
In September 11, 2001, the WTC terrorist attack was another strategy to drop the stock prices and make the dollar cheaper related to Euro. Again, some people became richer while the majority of people felt the impact of the economic instability.
And we had the 2009's crisis. Funny, isn't it? The number 9, the number of perfection, one of the dearest symbols of the Illuminati, was again present in the date. And in every other date as well.
Look at this:
Waterloo battle, Duke of Wellington Big Deal: 18th, June, 1815 (1+8=9, the day in June).
The Crash> 1929 (we have 2 nines here).
WTC Terrorist attack, September, 11, 2001, September is the 9th month.
Economic crisis in 2009, once again the 9 is present.
Probably you'll say that the 9 is found differently here and there, but the symbol is always present. Pitagoric Numerology is one of the keys to find relation between dates and events, one useful resourse they treasure as well as I.
I'm alone. I have almost no friends. I'm afraid but won't give up. As long as the Key is not in their hands, there is still some hope. I'll keep analysing data and sharing with you everything I may find.
Thank you and goodbye. And God save us all.
sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2011
I was watching a video about the Illuminati, with the phrase my contact (won't tell the name, don't ask) said when was watching those videos - "They focus on the least important stuff and let beside the most relevant information".
And then, in that video, someone spoke about the Gulf War Syndrome. Anyone in there knows anything about it? Well, the causa mortis of the ones with that disease was... TA-DAAA! Brain tumor! Bingo! The same as the Gate Key, but, without immunity, their body didn't stand to it and died.
Obviously the virus was tested in Iraq during the Gulf War, in 1991. In the battlefield, anything goes, as I say when I play war games on the web. They do the same in real life.
Probably the virus wasn't at its final stage yet on that occasion, because it is 99% deadly to anyone without healing factor. What they were trying to do then? To use the victims bodies to change the structure of the virus, forcing it to mutate to an ideal state to carry on further improvements on its effectivity? Who knows?
It is a mere theory, but it fits very well in here. I have no doubt of all I'm telling you. It's not sensationalist newsletter or any fancy video, it is just what's happening in my life. It is just what I'm finding out in here, while my dear "Gate Key" is lost somewhere and I'm stuck in here with Illuminati spying inside my apartment when I'm in vacation (and putting molded bread inside my empty fridge) and people with strange devices stuck in their ears (like bluetooth earphones) walking out there.
Well, I'm scared and I'm trying to put some truth on the web to make them angry and to attract their attention to elsewhere, to give my darling a little more time to get to a safer place. I'll do it as long as I can, for her, not for mankind. I don't care about mankind, mankind is dumb enough to admit such manipulation, mankind deserves extinction. I want to protect the one I love, don't care about anyone, but if you want to do anything with the facts I'm showing, well, you have may simpathy. Well, I will go now, to read more articles, to do more research and try to find more clues. Anything for the true, for love and maybe for the future. Bye!
The Gate Key cannot be named. A name would make easier to them to reach her, but I thing they already are in the verge of catching her (I refuse to believe they have already got her, so I'll publish here just information regarded to her clinical status and capabilities until now).
What else I must to say? Well, I know that girl since before her first going to USA, and, well, I love her. With or without mutation, she is the woman I want to be with me till the end of time.
Well, let's go to the facts.
Age: 25 years
Height: about 1m70cm
Weight: about 70kg (don't ask me to use Royal Measurement System, I refuse to convert anything to it!)
Genetic diseases and uncommon features:
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type IV (diagnosis given about 21 years ago, but I'm not certain about the date)
Healing factor (about 900% faster than normal)
Acquired diseases:
Almost none. No flu, few allergies, headaches and the common woman's stuff (you know...). Her health is strong as steel.
Due the ostheogenesis imperfecta, her life was marked since the childhood by the problems of her frailty. Fractures were common, she broke arms and legs more times than I can count. Since I knew her, she related me about 20 fractures, most of them in multiple bones at once. Her life quality wasn't as bad as usual due her healing factor. A fracture that could take 3 months to heal in a normal person, she could heal in three weeks. Due to this blessed ability, her life was normal. She worked, studied and anything any girl does.
Until the mutation she was afraid of dying anytime due her disease, because you all know that the fate of anyone with that terrible disease.
Diagnosis of medics after a 2-day coma: Brain tumor in an advanced degree of evolution.
Features of brain tumor: deeply rooted through all the brain, starting from the back of it and spreading by both sides to the forehead. All vital parts of memory, senses and other important funcions were damaged.
BUT ALL EXAMS WERE OK, except for her pressure, around 8 by 10 (the minor number before the greater, something quite unusual).
Body temperature: 29°C, but no hipothermia symptoms, all OK like she`s at fine 36°
Physical strenght augmented (she can hold a 50kg weight in her hands, arms stretched over her head during 10 minuts without the minimal effort).
Enhanced senses: infra-red vision, enhanced auditive capability (above and below human frequencies).
Endurance, an abnormal stamina, she`s able to walk great distances without getting tired.
Ability to climb any surface with ease (not like Spiderman, but much like a professional alpinist).
Can jump about 4 meters in height (don`t know how many in distance).
Telekinetic ability (undeveloped, but starting to show off), she can move light objects a little without touching them.
Control over water - she can control water in wide amounts (don`t know how much, but she says that it is plenty of water).
Electric storage and emission - when in contact with an electric source, she can store energy and then liberate it in form of an electric arc and a potent discharge. Don`t work with high-tension, that she can store but can`t liberate (it dissipates in 10 hours).
No more fractures due the osteogenesis imperfecta and an even more efficient healing factor.
The ability to drain energy of living things to accelerate her healing process (by touch).
Ability to control and induce climatic phenomena, like wind, rain and even storms.
UNBELIEVABLE, YOU SAY. But I know her well enough to ensure you that it is not a plain lie.
Well, enough for now, hope she won`t be crazy on me when she finds out that I published her data here, but, well, I`m not telling any relevant data about her that "they" don't know. I'm just telling YOU what I know, because things are getting hard around here.
THE DARK TRUTH - A partial panorama of facts
This blog is meant to show to the world what they don't want to show.
To start, let me ask you a question? Do you know anything about the Illuminati?
In case of an "yes", well, forget anything you've seen on Youtube, because they aren't exactly what you think they are.
Well, in fact, I don't know either. What I know is just a blur of the truth, a little glimpse of what is happening behind the scene.
The Illuminati, by the facts I found, are a worldwide association of powerful men and woman, mainly scientists and other influent people. They have money to buy kings and presidents, they have the power to dictate the law and to be above of it.
But they don't want to dominate the world.
Yeah, they don't. What they want to do is, by words of one of their scientists is "to make the world lasts more than it was supposed to last."
What it mean?
Well, I have some MSN logs to prove what I'm talking about, but I won't show them because they are full of personal informations about people involved and I don't want to expose them by now. But let me go straight to the facts themselves:
What I found out is that they are making genetic experiments, some of them involving something I call "accelerated evolution". They created a virus, a vector to induce genetic mutations in human beings, forcing a million-year evolution in a span of mere months. Why? To "make the world last more than it was supposed to"!
In 21/12/2012, by the words of a man who called himself "The True", who said to be part of the "Order of the Dragon" (don't know if it is the same of Dracula, but it probably is). He said that a global chain of cataclisms will happen in 21/12/2012, and that the worldwide environment will become unappropriate to human life. That mutation ensures the human survival through the 2012's cataclysm.
The problem is: the virus is potentially deadly. If you get yourself infected, you die with a chance of 99% (don't know if it is the exact percent).
But there are people who won't die. People born with something you know well. People born with "healing factor" or, running away from the X-Men stuff, an enhanced regenerative capability. There are many people in the world with this peculiar feature in their genes, easy to detect by some signs. Those people rarely get sick, they heal quicker than normal, etc. Nothing you can compare with Wolverine, but it is fantastic anyway.
The Illuminati have a research center in USA, next to the Mexican border. A closed facility, with a small town isnside it. They gather people with those capabilities and induce the mutation in them, because the healing factor diminishes the probability of death by the virus and the mutation.
In that facility, a person of my relations was taken to and the virus was injected on her. Some months ago, she started to show the signs of the infection. She passed out a couple of times, her nose bleeded often and she started to experience an augment of her physical abilities. Strenght, balance, speed, senses' improvements and even psychic powers started to show up.
That girl is what they call "the owner of all gifts, the gate key". They want her back to their facility and they want her there at once.
She's running away from them, going to a place I cannot guess, but I have my clues and some of the things she said regarding her destination I cannot reveal to protect her.
They know that I know where she is (in fact, by now, I don't know, because I lost contact with her since last week) and they are after me. I'm publishing from now on the diary of this conspiracy and I'll show more details as soon as possible. There are plenty of information to show and this is just the presentation, the beginning of all.
Well, anyone who's reading this, thank you for the audience. I'll be back soon with more news of what they call the Apocalypse and what I call "my personal fight for the woman I love and the world I live in".
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