Well, no one believes in all of this. People were educated to not believe a single word of the truth. Put the truth between a thousand lies and it'll become a lie itself.
I, by now, have just three or four friends with me, people I can trust entirely but the most important of them are gone. They say I'm crazy, that I lost my sanity, and there is nothing I can do to convince them of the contrary.
The History is full of evidences. Their influence in the worldwide affairs during the last 200 years is clearly visible since the Napoleon's time, when the Duke of Wellington did spread the information about the English defeat in the fields of Waterloo, in June 18th, 1815, about 20 hours before the official news of English victory arrived to London (thanks to a messenger he had in the field, who ran to his master to inform the outcome of the battle). With that strategic blow, he made the stocks drop and, with the collapsing of the prices of all stocks, he bought almost everything, because prices were as cheap as bananas and then, when the correct information arrived, stock prices skyrocketed again and the Duke was "promoted" to the status of the most powerful man in England. The Queen ruled over England. The Duke ruled over the Queen.
The same happened with the Crash in 1929, when a few "lucky" men (who could they be, huh?) made fortune while the majority of the world suffered with the worst economic crisis ever.
In September 11, 2001, the WTC terrorist attack was another strategy to drop the stock prices and make the dollar cheaper related to Euro. Again, some people became richer while the majority of people felt the impact of the economic instability.
And we had the 2009's crisis. Funny, isn't it? The number 9, the number of perfection, one of the dearest symbols of the Illuminati, was again present in the date. And in every other date as well.
Look at this:
Waterloo battle, Duke of Wellington Big Deal: 18th, June, 1815 (1+8=9, the day in June).
The Crash> 1929 (we have 2 nines here).
WTC Terrorist attack, September, 11, 2001, September is the 9th month.
Economic crisis in 2009, once again the 9 is present.
Probably you'll say that the 9 is found differently here and there, but the symbol is always present. Pitagoric Numerology is one of the keys to find relation between dates and events, one useful resourse they treasure as well as I.
I'm alone. I have almost no friends. I'm afraid but won't give up. As long as the Key is not in their hands, there is still some hope. I'll keep analysing data and sharing with you everything I may find.
Thank you and goodbye. And God save us all.
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