sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2011


The Gate Key cannot be named. A name would make easier to them to reach her, but I thing they already are in the verge of catching her (I refuse to believe they have already got her, so I'll publish here just information regarded to her clinical status and capabilities until now).
What else I must to say? Well, I know that girl since before her first going to USA, and, well, I love her. With or without mutation, she is the woman I want to be with me till the end of time.
Well, let's go to the facts.


Age: 25 years
Height: about 1m70cm
Weight: about 70kg (don't ask me to use Royal Measurement System, I refuse to convert anything to it!)

Genetic diseases and uncommon features:
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type IV (diagnosis given about 21 years ago, but I'm not certain about the date)
Healing factor (about 900% faster than normal)

Acquired diseases:
Almost none. No flu, few allergies, headaches and the common woman's stuff (you know...). Her health is strong as steel.

Due the ostheogenesis imperfecta, her life was marked since the childhood by the problems of her frailty. Fractures were common, she broke arms and legs more times than I can count. Since I knew her, she related me about 20 fractures, most of them in multiple bones at once. Her life quality wasn't as bad as usual due her healing factor. A fracture that could take 3 months to heal in a normal person, she could heal in three weeks. Due to this blessed ability, her life was normal. She worked, studied and anything any girl does.
Until the mutation she was afraid of dying anytime due her disease, because you all know that the fate of anyone with that terrible disease.


Diagnosis of medics after a 2-day coma: Brain tumor in an advanced degree of evolution.

Features of brain tumor: deeply rooted through all the brain, starting from the back of it and spreading by both sides to the forehead. All vital parts of memory, senses and other important funcions were damaged.
BUT ALL EXAMS WERE OK, except for her pressure, around 8 by 10 (the minor number before the greater, something quite unusual). 

Body temperature: 29°C, but no hipothermia symptoms, all OK like she`s at fine 36°

Physical strenght augmented (she can hold a 50kg weight in her hands, arms stretched over her head during 10 minuts without the minimal effort).
Enhanced senses: infra-red vision, enhanced auditive capability (above and below human frequencies).
Endurance, an abnormal stamina, she`s able to walk great distances without getting tired.
Ability to climb any surface with ease (not like Spiderman, but much like a professional alpinist).
Can jump about 4 meters in height (don`t know how many in distance).
Telekinetic ability (undeveloped, but starting to show off), she can move light objects a little without touching them.
Control over water - she can control water in wide amounts (don`t know how much, but she says that it is plenty of water).
Electric storage and emission - when in contact with an electric source, she can store energy and then liberate it in form of an electric arc and a potent discharge. Don`t work with high-tension, that she can store but can`t liberate (it dissipates in 10 hours).
No more fractures due the osteogenesis imperfecta and an even more efficient healing factor.
The ability to drain energy of living things to accelerate her healing process (by touch).
Ability to control and induce climatic phenomena, like wind, rain and even storms.

UNBELIEVABLE, YOU SAY. But I know her well enough to ensure you that it is not a plain lie.

Well, enough for now, hope she won`t be crazy on me when she finds out that I published her data here, but, well, I`m not telling any relevant data about her that "they" don't know. I'm just telling YOU what I know, because things are getting hard around here.

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