sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2011


I was watching a video about the Illuminati, with the phrase my contact (won't tell the name, don't ask) said when was watching those videos - "They focus on the least important stuff and let beside the most relevant information".
And then, in that video, someone spoke about the Gulf War Syndrome. Anyone in there knows anything about it? Well, the causa mortis of the ones with that disease was... TA-DAAA! Brain tumor! Bingo! The same as the Gate Key, but, without immunity, their body didn't stand to it and died.
Obviously the virus was tested in Iraq during the Gulf War, in 1991. In the battlefield, anything goes, as I say when I play war games on the web. They do the same in real life.
Probably the virus wasn't at its final stage yet on that occasion, because it is 99% deadly to anyone without healing factor. What they were trying to do then? To use the victims bodies to change the structure of the virus, forcing it to mutate to an ideal state to carry on further improvements on its effectivity? Who knows?
It is a mere theory, but it fits very well in here. I have no doubt of all I'm telling you. It's not sensationalist newsletter or any fancy video, it is just what's happening in my life. It is just what I'm finding out in here, while my dear "Gate Key" is lost somewhere and I'm stuck in here with Illuminati spying inside my apartment when I'm in vacation (and putting molded bread inside my empty fridge) and people with strange devices stuck in their ears (like bluetooth earphones) walking out there.
Well, I'm scared and I'm trying to put some truth on the web to make them angry and to attract their attention to elsewhere, to give my darling a little more time to get to a safer place. I'll do it as long as I can, for her, not for mankind. I don't care about mankind, mankind is dumb enough to admit such manipulation, mankind deserves extinction. I want to protect the one I love, don't care about anyone, but if you want to do anything with the facts I'm showing, well, you have may simpathy. Well, I will go now, to read more articles, to do more research and try to find more clues. Anything for the true, for love and maybe for the future. Bye!

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